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Assessment Series: Would a Gross Motor Assessment Be Right for My Child?
Posted in: Blog, Neurodevelopmental PhysiotherapyA common source of excitement during parenthood is witnessing your child’s first steps. But sometimes, some children have a hard time achieving or mastering certain gross motor skills. Why a Gross Motor Assessment? As physiotherapists, we can assess and…

Ways to Increase Physical Activity in the Spring
Posted in: Blog, Neurodevelopmental PhysiotherapyNow that the weather is warming up, it’s a great time to be outside with your kids and increase everyone’s physical activity. We expend significantly less energy in the winter, and this can affect all of us physically, emotionally, and mentally.…

Help, My Child Isn’t Walking Yet! When Should I Be Concerned?
Posted in: Blog, Neurodevelopmental Physiotherapy“When should my child be walking” is one of the most popular questions that I’m asked as a physiotherapist (PT). While developmental milestones indicate 9-18 months as average age of first steps, this range is quite big, and often leads…