Author Archives: Kristina Fasullo

About Kristina Fasullo

Kristina Fasullo graduated from the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in 2005. Since graduating Kristina has completed certificates in Pre and Post Natal Massage as well as Infant and Pediatric massage. She is a member of the Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of Ontario and is in good standing with the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario.

Back to School and Massage

Along with all of the back to school excitement may come some anxiety and/or stress for your child. Maybe they are starting kindergarten, or attending a new school, or perhaps they didn’t get that teacher they had hoped for. As…

Sport and Massage Therapy in Children

Did you know the Government of Canada recommends 60 minutes of medium to intense physical activity a day for your child? Hockey, soccer, football, dance, or gymnastics are just a few of the sports your child may be active in.…

Your Child and Sleep: How Regular Massage Can Help

Have you ever stumbled into work, coffee in hand, running on 2 maybe 3 hours of sleep? Whether you are dealing with a hungry newborn, a teething infant, and/or even a child with a dreaded virus, we have all experienced…