Author Archives: Susan Lambert, Ph.D., C.Psych.

About Susan Lambert, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Susan L. Lambert, Ph.D., C.Psych. is a clinical psychologist with extensive training in the psychological assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and families. She has a wealth of experience providing support to youth and their families struggling with a range of mental health difficulties. Her experiences include assessing and treating anxiety, depression, emotion regulation issues, attentional difficulties, anger management problems, school issues, parent-child relationship conflict, adjustment difficulties, and trauma.

Presence and Mindfulness

The new year always brings a certain degree of reflection. Where have we come, where are we going, and what are our resolutions for a “better” year? Being thoughtful and having goals is important no doubt. At the same time,…

Back to School and Mental Health: Working Together During Unprecedented Times

There is something that is so special to me about back to school. I’ve always loved it. As a kid I always loved my big school supply shop in August (still do!). I loved the fall air and cozy clothes,…

Effective Strategies to Manage Negative Behaviours using Positive Reinforcement

By now most of us are firmly settled into the new year and summer is but a distant memory. Between morning routines, after-school activities, dinner time and homework, there is no shortage of opportunities for stress and conflicts. As such,…